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Psst.. new poll here.
[email protected] webmail now available. Want one? Go here.
Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as CSS by registered user derwendtde ( 11 years ago )
 Wider posts on Google Plus
 By Aaeriele http://userstyles.org/styles/87624
 With add-ons by the Google+ Community
 (Post URL: http://goo.gl/nqx8k)
 and my own stuff
#contentPane > div[jsaction] > div:last-child > div:first-of-type,
#contentPane > div > div[jsaction] > div:last-child > div:first-of-type {
  width: 900px !important; }

#contentPane div[guidedhelpid="streamcontent"] {
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#contentPane div[guidedhelpid="streamcontent"] > div > div:not([id^="update"]) {
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#contentPane div[guidedhelpid="streamcontent"] > div > div:not([id^="update"]) > div:not([id^="update"]) {
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#contentPane div[guidedhelpid="sharebox_launcher"] > div {
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#contentPane div[data-nid] {
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#contentPane div.dQ {
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/* Beiträge und Kommentare vollständig anzeigen */

.DIcL3e,.Gm {
    max-height:none!important }
.JBNexc.a-n,.syxni.a-n,.lZkdDe.pFZ7Ne {
    display:none!important; }
/* Keine Kommentarbox mehr! */

.mP {
    max-height:none!important; }

/* Neue Beiträge anzeigen rechts */

.a-f-e.c-b.c-b-M.f8ocqf.Ri07Rc {
    right:-920px!important; }

/* Leiste oben */

.gb_gbsf {
    top:-100px!important; }

.gb_gbsf > .gbt.gbtn {
    top:140px!important; }
.FVPtwe,.SfVZpc,.gIdB1,.KiWa0b,.ohUUPb {
      top:0!important; }
.oBgpme.ODc6zb.AYoUUe {
    top:-100px!important; }

.WrxPu {
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    background-color:#fff!important; }

/* Links immer farbig */

.eE.Fp a, .wm a, .Mi a {
    color:#427fed!important; }

.eE.Fp a:visited, .wm a:visited, .Mi a:visited {
    color:#1f3b6f!important; }

/* schmales Fenster als "Widget" ganz rechts:
Der Benachrichtigungs-Button wäre nicht mehr sichtbar,
deshalb ff. Anpassungen mit Media Queries:  */

@media screen and (max-width: 780px) {

/* Userblock und Benachrichtigungsfeld einzeln links */

#gbu {
  position:absolute !important;
  left:10px !important; }

/* Logo-Link ausblenden */

.gbqla {
  display:none !important; }

/* Seitenleiste fest anzeigen */

.hpLg1e {
    overflow:hidden; }

.Nj.mu>div {
    margin-left:180px!important; }


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