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Psst.. new poll here.
[email protected] webmail now available. Want one? Go here.
Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as Tcl by Luka ( 14 years ago )
proc listTree {rootdir_} {
    set currentnodes [glob -nocomplain -directory $rootdir_ -type d *]
    if {[llength $currentnodes] <= 0} { 
 # aktualny katalog jest lisciem i posiada pliki to wypisz te pliki
  set fileslastnode [glob -nocomplain -directory $rootdir_ -type f *]
  if {[llength $fileslastnode] > 0} {
   foreach eachfile $fileslastnode {
    puts "$eachfile"
    } else {
     # Rekursywnie przegladaj wszystkie katalogi
   foreach node $currentnodes {
   listTree $node


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