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Pasted as Lisp by Fishoneeyed ( 13 years ago )
(defun en-zh-font-existsp (font)  
  (if (null (x-list-fonts font))  
   nil t))

(defvar font-list '("Microsoft Yahei" "文泉驿等宽微米黑" "黑体" "新宋体" "宋体"))

(require 'cl) ;; find-if is in common list package

(if (memq (framep (selected-frame)) '(x pc w32 win32))
 (find-if #'en-zh-font-existsp font-list))

(defun en-zh-make-font-string (font-name font-size)
  (if (and (stringp font-size)
           (equal ":" (string (elt font-size 0))))
      (format "%s%s" font-name font-size)
    (format "%s %s" font-name font-size)))

(defun en-zh-set-font (english-fonts
                       &optional; chinese-font-size)
  "english-font-size could be set to a integer.
If set/leave chinese-font-size to nil, it will follow english-font-size"
  (require 'cl)                         ; for find if
  (let ((en-font (en-zh-make-font-string
                  (find-if #'en-zh-font-existsp english-fonts)
        (zh-font (font-spec :family (find-if #'en-zh-font-existsp chinese-fonts)
                            :size chinese-font-size)))

    ;; Set the default English font
    ;; The following 2 method cannot make the font settig work in new frames.
    ;; (set-default-font "Consolas:pixelsize=16")
    ;; (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Consolas:pixelsize=16"))
    ;; We have to use set-face-attribute
    (message "Set English Font to %s" en-font)
    (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font en-font)

    ;; Set Chinese font
    ;; Do not use 'unicode charset, it will cause the english font setting invalid
    (message "Set Chinese Font to %s" zh-font)
    (dolist (charset '(kana han symbol cjk-misc bopomofo))
      (set-fontset-font (frame-parameter nil 'font)

(if (memq (framep (selected-frame)) '(x pc w32 win32))
  '("Consolas" "Monaco" "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Monospace" "Courier New") ":pixelsize=16"
  '("Microsoft Yahei" "文泉驿等宽微米黑" "黑体" "新宋体" "宋体")))


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