#Topological Sorting
from subprocess import getstatusoutput
from collections import defaultdict
import json
def topological_sort(digraph):
# digraph is a dictionary:
# key: a node
# value: a set of adjacent neighboring nodes
print("initial len of dic ",len(digraph))
# construct a dictionary mapping nodes to their
# indegrees
dic = digraph.copy() # we need to make a shallow copy otherwise we change the length of dic while iterating over it which will raise an exception
indegrees = {node : 0 for node in digraph}
#indegrees = defaultdict(int)
for node in dic:
for neighbor in dic[node]:
# to check if the node is present in the input dict as well as indedrees
if neighbor not in indegrees:
if neighbor not in digraph:
indegrees[neighbor] += 1
#print("indegrees ",indegrees)
print("Total number of variables present ",len(digraph))
# track nodes with no incoming edges
nodes_with_no_incoming_edges = []
for node in digraph:
if indegrees[node] == 0:
#print("nodes_with_no_incoming_edges ",len(nodes_with_no_incoming_edges))
# initially, no nodes in our ordering
topological_ordering = []
# as long as there are nodes with no incoming edges
# that can be added to the ordering
while len(nodes_with_no_incoming_edges) > 0:
# add one of those nodes to the ordering
node = nodes_with_no_incoming_edges.pop()
#print("topological_ordering.append ",node)
# decrement the indegree of that node's neighbors
for neighbor in digraph[node]:
indegrees[neighbor] -= 1
if indegrees[neighbor] == 0:
#print("status of top searhc ",indegrees)
# we've run out of nodes with no incoming edges
# did we add all the nodes or find a cycle?
if len(topological_ordering) == len(digraph):
#print(len(digraph), topological_ordering)
return topological_ordering[::-1] # got them all
print("len_topo" ,len(topological_ordering))
#print("topo ", topological_ordering[::-1])
raise Exception("Graph has a cycle! No topological ordering exists.")
#print(topological_sort({'E':'D','A': ['B','C'], 'D': ['E','C'], 'B':'F','F':'E'}))
a,b=(getstatusoutput('python ./convert_txtfile_dict.py'))
str_d= str_d.replace("'",'"')
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