** **
** Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Nokia Corporation. **
** **
** Author: Ilya Dogolazky <[email protected]> **
** Author: Simo Piiroinen <[email protected]> **
** Author: Victor Portnov <[email protected]> **
** **
** This file is part of Timed **
** **
** Timed is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify **
** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License **
** version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. **
** **
** Timed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but **
** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with Timed. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ **
** **
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDBusConnection>
#include <QDBusAbstractInterface>
#include <QDBusReply>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QMap>
#include <QString>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std ;
#include <pcrecpp.h>
//#include <qmlog>
#include <timed/interface>
#include <timed/event>
#include <timed-voland/interface>
#include <timed-voland/ta_interface>
#include "timed/exception.h"
int add_event(const char *title) ;
int response_generic(unsigned cookie, int value) ;
int cancel_event(unsigned cookie) ;
int send_quit() ;
int query(int ac, char **av) ;
int query_attributes(char *cookie) ;
int queue() ;
int mode(int ac, char **av) ;
int time_settings(int ac, char **av) ;
int alarms(int ac, char **av) ;
int replace(int ac, char **av) ;
int ping_pong() ;
int pid() ;
int register_voland(string str) ;
int parse_data(const char *text) ;
int main_try(int ac, char **av) ;
const char *config_example() ;
int main(int ac, char **av)
//qmlog::enable() ;
int res = main_try(ac,av) ;
cerr << "Failed, error code: " << res << endl ;
return res ;
catch(const string &message;)
cerr << "trown message: " << message << endl ;
catch(Maemo::Timed::Exception &e)
cerr << e.what() << endl ;
cerr << "oops unknown exception ..." << endl ;
return 1 ;
int main_try(int ac, char **av)
QCoreApplication app(ac, av) ;
if(ac==2 && (string)av[1]=="a")
return add_event(NULL) ;
else if(ac==3 && (string)av[1]=="a")
return add_event(av[2]) ;
else if(ac==2 && (string)av[1]=="r") // client r
return response_generic(0,0) ;
else if(ac==3 && (string)av[1]=="r") // client r cookie
unsigned c = atoi(av[2]) ;
return response_generic(c,0) ;
else if(ac==4 && (string)av[1]=="r") // client r cookie value
unsigned c = atoi(av[2]) ;
int v = atoi(av[3]) ;
return response_generic(c,v) ;
else if(ac==3 && (string)av[1]=="c") // client c cookie: cancel the given event
return cancel_event(atoi(av[2])) ;
else if(ac==2 && (string)av[1]=="qn") // client qn: stop notification service
return send_quit() ;
else if(ac==2 && (string)av[1]=="ping") // client ping: show the alarm queue
return ping_pong() ;
else if(ac==2 && (string)av[1]=="parse") // client parse: parse and print data structure
return parse_data(config_example()) ;
else if(ac==3 && (string)av[1]=="parse") // client parse: parse and print data structure
return parse_data(av[2]) ;
else if(ac>0 && ac%2==0 && (string)av[1]=="query") // client query [key value ...]
return query(ac-2, av+2) ;
else if(ac==3 && (string)av[1]=="query") // client query cookie
return query_attributes(av[2]) ;
else if (ac==2 && (string)av[1]=="queue") // print all the attributes
return queue() ;
else if ((ac==2 or ac==3) and (string)av[1]=="mode")
return mode(ac-2, av+2) ;
else if(ac>1 && (string)av[1]=="date") // client date [time-settings...]
return time_settings(ac-1, av+1) ;
else if(ac>1 && (string)av[1]=="alarms") // client date [time-settings...]
return alarms(ac-2, av+2) ;
else if(ac==3 && (string)av[1]=="replace") // replace cookie
return replace(ac-2, av+2) ;
else if(ac==2 && (string)av[1]=="pid") // pid: print the process ID of the server
return pid() ;
else if(ac==3 && (string)av[1]=="voland") // voland: register given voland service on session bus
return register_voland(av[2]) ;
qDebug() << "Usage:" << av[0] << "[a [TITLE]] | [r [COOKIE [VALUE]]] | c COOKIE | qn | query [key value]* | pid" ;
return 1 ;
int cancel_event(unsigned cookie)
Maemo::Timed::Interface iface ;
qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << iface.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
QDBusReply<bool> res = iface.cancel_sync(cookie) ;
qDebug() << "dbus call failed:" << iface.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
bool res_value = res.value() ;
return res_value ? 0 : 1 ;
int response_generic(unsigned cookie, int value)
Maemo::Timed::Voland::TaInterface iface ;
qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << iface.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
// try to get the top dialog
QDBusReply<uint> res = iface.top_sync() ;
qDebug() << "dbus call 'top' failed:" << iface.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
cookie = res.value() ;
QDBusReply<bool> res = iface.answer_sync(cookie, value) ;
qDebug() << "dbus call 'answer' failed:" << iface.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
bool res_value = res.value() ;
return res_value ? 0 : 1 ;
int response_last(int value)
return response_generic(0, value) ;
int response(unsigned cookie, int value)
return response_generic(cookie, value) ;
#define TRIGGER_FILE "/home/user/triggered"
int add_event(const char *title)
bool need_ui = title != NULL ;
bool recurrence = false ;
int time_shift = 8 ;
Maemo::Timed::Event e ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_trig = e.addAction() ;
a_trig.whenTriggered() ;
a_trig.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a_trig.runCommand("echo cookie=[COOKIE]=<COOKIE> TRIGGERED $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ;
e.setAttribute("TITLE", title) ;
e.setBootFlag() ;
e.setAlarmFlag() ;
e.setUserModeFlag() ;
need_ui = false ;
recurrence = true ;
e.setAttribute("PLUGIN", "libCalendarReminder") ;
int time_to_wait ;
if(pcrecpp::RE("/(-?\\d+)/").PartialMatch(title, &time;_to_wait))
time_shift = time_to_wait ;
e.setAlignedSnoozeFlag() ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b1; = e.addButton() ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b2; = e.addButton() ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b3; = e.addButton() ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Button &b4; = e.addButton() ;
b1.setSnooze(10) ;
b2.setSnooze(17) ;
b3.setSnooze(60) ;
(void)b4 ;
// b4 doesn't snooze: it closes the dialog
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a1; = e.addAction() ;
a1.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #1 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ;
a1.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a1.whenButton(b1) ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a2; = e.addAction() ;
a2.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #2 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ;
a2.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a2.whenButton(b2) ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a3; = e.addAction() ;
a3.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #3 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ;
a3.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a3.whenButton(b3) ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a4; = e.addAction() ;
a4.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] BUTTON #4 $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ;
a4.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a4.whenButton(b1) ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_0 = e.addAction() ;
a_0.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] CANCELED BY USER $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ;
a_0.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a_0.whenSysButton(0) ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_sys1 = e.addAction() ;
a_sys1.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] FIRST SYSTEM BYTTON $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE);
a_sys1.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a_sys1.whenSysButton(1) ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a_sys2 = e.addAction() ;
a_sys2.runCommand("echo [COOKIE] SECOND SYSTEM BYTTON $(date) >> " TRIGGER_FILE) ;
a_sys2.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a_sys2.whenSysButton(2) ;
if(recurrence) // add a recurrence at 12:34 every day
Maemo::Timed::Event::Recurrence &r = e.addRecurrence() ;
r.everyMonth() ;
r.everyDayOfMonth() ;
r.everyDayOfWeek() ;
r.addHour(12), r.addMinute(34) ;
e.setTicker(time(NULL)+time_shift) ;
e.setAttribute("APPLICATION", "simple_client") ;
Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ;
qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << ifc.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
QDBusReply<uint> res = ifc.add_event_sync(e) ;
qDebug() << "call failed:" << res.error().message() ;
return 1 ;
qDebug() << "added event, cookie:" << res.value() ;
return 0 ;
int send_quit()
Maemo::Timed::Voland::TaInterface iface ;
QDBusReply<void> res = iface.quit_sync() ;
qDebug() << "sending quit request failed:" <<iface.lastError() ;
return res.isValid() ;
int query(int ac, char **av)
QMap<QString,QVariant> p ;
for(int i=0; i<ac; i+=2)
p[av[i]] = (QString)(av[i+1]) ;
Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ;
QDBusReply<QList<QVariant> > reply = ifc.query_sync(p) ;
qDebug() << "query call failed" << ifc.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
const QList<QVariant> &result; = reply.value() ;
int s = result.size() ;
cout << "got " << s << " cookie(s)" << ( s ? ": " : "" ) ;
for(int i=0; i<s; ++i)
cout << (i?", ":"") << result[i].toUInt() ;
cout << endl ;
return 0 ;
int query_attributes(char *cookie)
string integer = "([0-9]+)" ;
int value ;
if(!pcrecpp::RE("([0-9]+)").FullMatch(cookie, &value;))
qDebug() << "invalid integer:" << cookie ;
return 1 ;
Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ;
QDBusReply<QMap<QString,QVariant> > reply = timed.query_attributes_sync(value) ;
QMap<QString,QVariant> x = reply.value() ;
qDebug() << "empty mapping returned" ;
return 1 ;
qDebug() << "returned mapping:" ;
qDebug() << x ;
return 0 ;
qDebug() << "D-Bus call failed:" << timed.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
int ping_pong()
Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ;
QDBusReply<QString> reply = ifc.ping_sync() ;
qDebug() << "ping call failed" << ifc.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
QString pong = reply.value() ;
cout << "---" << endl << pong.toStdString() << "---" << endl ;
return 0 ;
const char *config_example()
"a=-0x45, t=-3 , bbb = { a=2, x=9 } , c = [ 1,2,3,4,5, \"aa\"+\"ddd\"], d= \"blalbla!,\", /*a \n"
"ada das dasd sa dasd asd asd */ xxx=\"aaa\", e= $foo| $ 30 | $bu|$239 . " ;
int parse_data(const char *text)
Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ;
QDBusReply<QString> reply = ifc.parse_sync(QString(text)) ;
qDebug() << "parse call failed" << ifc.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
QString plain = reply.value() ;
cout << "---" << endl << plain.toStdString() << "---" << endl ;
return 0 ;
int pid()
Maemo::Timed::Interface ifc ;
QDBusReply<int> reply = ifc.pid_sync() ;
qDebug() << "pid call failed" << ifc.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
cout << "server pid=" << reply.value() << endl ;
return 0 ;
int time_settings(int ac, char **av)
Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ;
Maemo::Timed::WallClock::Settings set ;
for(int i=1; i<ac; ++i)
using namespace pcrecpp ;
static RE key_value = "(format|time|zone|offset)=(.*)" ;
string integer = "(-?[0-9]+)" ;
string key, value ;
if(!key_value.FullMatch(av[i], &key;, &value;))
qDebug() << "invalid key/value pair:" << av[i] ;
return 1 ;
int f_12_24 ;
if(!RE(integer).FullMatch(value, &f_12_24))
qDebug() << "integer format value expected" ;
return 1 ;
set.setFlag24(false) ;
else if(f_12_24==24)
set.setFlag24(true) ;
qDebug() << "format value 12 or 24 expected" ;
return 1 ;
else if(key=="zone")
set.setTimezoneCellular() ;
else if (value=="manual")
set.setTimezoneManual("") ;
set.setTimezoneManual(value.c_str()) ;
else if(key=="offset")
set.setOffsetCellular() ;
else if (value=="manual")
set.setOffsetManual() ;
int off ;
if(!RE(integer).FullMatch(value, &off;))
qDebug() << "integer offset value expected" ;
return 1 ;
if(-15 < off && off < 15)
off *= 60 ;
// now offset is in minutes
set.setOffsetManual(off) ;
else if(key=="time")
set.setTimeNitz() ;
else if (value=="manual")
set.setTimeManual() ;
else // let's make dumb parser of time specification
struct tm tm ;
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
localtime_r(&now;, &tm;) ;
#define XX "([0-9]{2})"
#define XXXX "([0-9]{4})"
if(RE(XX":"XX).FullMatch(value, &HH;, &MM;))
tm.tm_hour=HH, tm.tm_min=MM ;
else if(RE(XX":"XX":"XX).FullMatch(value, &HH;, &MM;, &SS;))
tm.tm_hour=HH, tm.tm_min=MM, tm.tm_sec=SS ;
else if(RE(XX":"XX","XXXX"-"XX"-"XX).FullMatch(value, &HH;, &MM;, &YYYY;, &MO;, ⅅ))
tm.tm_hour=HH, tm.tm_min=MM, tm.tm_year=YYYY-1900, tm.tm_mon=MO-1, tm.tm_mday=DD ;
else if(RE(XX":"XX":"XX","XXXX"-"XX"-"XX).FullMatch(value, &HH;, &MM;, &SS;, &YYYY;, &MO;, ⅅ))
tm.tm_hour=HH, tm.tm_min=MM, tm.tm_sec=SS, tm.tm_year=YYYY-1900, tm.tm_mon=MO-1, tm.tm_mday=DD ;
qDebug() << "Invalid time value" ;
return 1 ;
#undef XX
#undef XXXX
time_t new_time = mktime(&tm;) ;
qDebug() << "oops, can't convert time" ;
return 1 ;
set.setTimeManual(new_time) ;
qDebug() << "time setting key" << key.c_str() << "not implemented" ;
return 1 ;
qDebug() << "calling wall_clock_settings_sync" << set.str() ;
QDBusReply<bool> reply = timed.wall_clock_settings_sync(set) ;
qDebug() << "wall_clock_settings_sync done" ;
qDebug() << "pid call failed" << timed.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
return reply.value() ? 0 : 1 ;
int alarms(int ac, char **av)
Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ;
return 1 ;
string on_off = av[0] ;
bool new_state ;
new_state = true ;
else if(on_off=="off")
new_state = false ;
qDebug() << "invalid argument, on/off required" ;
return 1 ;
QDBusReply<void> reply_set = timed.enable_alarms_sync(new_state) ;
qDebug() << "enable_alarms call failed" << timed.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
QDBusReply<bool> reply = timed.alarms_enabled_sync() ;
qDebug() << "alarms_enabled call failed" << timed.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
cout << "alarms are " << (reply.value() ? "on" : "off") << endl ;
return 0 ;
int replace(int /* ac */, char **av)
int cookie ;
if(!pcrecpp::RE("([0-9]+)").FullMatch(av[0], &cookie;))
qDebug() << "invalid integer:" << av[0] ;
return 1 ;
QString title = QString("replacement_of_%1").arg(cookie) ;
Maemo::Timed::Event e ;
Maemo::Timed::Event::Action &a = e.addAction() ;
a.whenTriggered() ;
a.setSendCookieFlag() ;
a.runCommand(QString("echo cookie=[COOKIE] (%1) TRIGGERED $(date) >> /tmp/aa").arg(title)) ;
e.setAttribute("TITLE", title) ;
e.setTicker(time(NULL)+10) ;
Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ;
qDebug() << "not valid interface:" << timed.lastError() ;
return 1 ;
QDBusReply<uint> res = timed.replace_event_sync(e, cookie) ;
qDebug() << "replace_event call failed:" << res.error().message() ;
return 1 ;
qDebug() << "new event cookie:" << res.value() ;
return 0 ;
int register_voland(string str)
if (not strchr(str.c_str(), '/'))
str = (string) "/usr/bin/" + str ;
const char *path = "/usr/share/dbus-1/services/com.nokia.voland.service" ;
if (FILE *fp = fopen(path, "w"))
fprintf(fp, "[D-BUS Service]\n") ;
fprintf(fp, "Name=com.nokia.voland\n") ;
fprintf(fp, "Exec=%s\n", str.c_str()) ;
if (fclose(fp)<0)
qDebug() << "can't write to" << path;
return 1 ;
qDebug() << "can't open file" << path << " to write";
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int queue()
Maemo::Timed::Interface timed ;
Q_Map_String_String attr ;
QDBusReply< QList<uint> > r1 = timed.get_cookies_by_attributes_sync(attr) ;
if (not r1.isValid())
qDebug() << "get_cookies_by_attributes failed:" << r1.error().message().toStdString().c_str() ;
return 1 ;
QList<uint> cookies = r1.value() ;
QDBusReply< QMap< uint,QMap<QString,QString> > > r2 = timed.get_attributes_by_cookies_sync(cookies) ;
if (not r2.isValid())
qDebug() << "get_attributes_by_cookies failed" << r2.error().message().toStdString().c_str();
return 1 ;
QMap< uint,QMap<QString,QString> > attr_res = r2.value() ;
qDebug() << "queue:" << attr_res ;
return 0 ;
static string to_upper_cleaned(const char *s)
string res ;
for(const char *p=s; p and *p; ++p)
int ch = *p ;
if (not isalpha(ch))
continue ;
ch = tolower(ch) ;
res += ch ;
return res ;
static bool execute(const string &command;)
const char *cmd = command.c_str() ;
qDebug() << "executing" << cmd ;
int res = system(cmd) ;
if (res == 0)
qDebug() << "command " << cmd << "successfully executed";
return true ;
qDebug() << "execution" << cmd << " failed" ;
else if(WIFSIGNALED(res))
qDebug() << "command" << cmd << "killed by signal" << WTERMSIG(res) ;
else if(WIFEXITED(res))
qDebug() << "command" << cmd << " failed, exit status" << WEXITSTATUS(res) ;
qDebug() << "command" << cmd << " failed in some weird way, system() call returned" << res;
return false ;
int mode(int ac, char **av)
if (ac<=0)
qDebug() << "mode reporting not implemented yet";
return 1 ;
string mode = to_upper_cleaned(av[0]) ;
if (mode=="user")
bool res1 = execute ("rm -f /tmp/ACT_DEAD ; touch /tmp/USER ; echo USER > /tmp/STATE") ;
bool res2 = execute ("dbus-send --system --dest=com.nokia.time /com/nokia/startup/signal com.nokia.startup.signal.desktop_visible") ;
return res1 and res2 ? 0 : 1 ;
else if (mode=="actdead")
bool res1 = execute ("rm -f /tmp/USER ; touch /tmp/ACT_DEAD ; echo ACT_DEAD > /tmp/STATE") ;
bool res2 = execute ("dbus-send --system --dest=com.nokia.time /com/nokia/startup/signal com.nokia.startup.signal.init_done int32:5") ;
return res1 and res2 ? 0 : 1 ;
qDebug() << "unknown mode:" << av[0];
return 1 ;
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