Psst.. new poll here.
[email protected] web/email now available. Want one? Go here.
Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!
Pasted as Plain Text by lwulf ( 13 years ago )
# Основное меню #
# Root menu #
#DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot Title
+ DynamicPopupAction Function MenuFvwmRootMain
AddToFunc MenuFvwmRootMain
+ I DestroyMenu recreate MenuFvwmRoot
+ I PipeRead 'echo "AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot '%linux.png% $(date +%Y.%d.%m) - $(date +%H:%M) ' Title"'
+ I AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot "%folder.png% Program's" Popup FvwmProgramsMenu
+ I AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot "%folder.png% Document's" Popup Documents
+ I AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot "%folder.png% Fvwm" Popup MenuFvwmQuitVerify
# Document's menu #
#Destroy Documents
AddToMenu Documents MissingSubmenuFunction FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
+ "&film;%folder.png%" Popup /mnt/sdc/torrent/film
+ "&filmen;%folder.png%" Popup /mnt/sdc/torrent/filmen
+ "&hd;%folder.png%" Popup /mnt/sdc/torrent/hd
+ "&music;%folder.png%" Popup /mnt/sdc/torrent/music
+ "&xdistr;%folder.png%" Popup /mnt/sdc/torrent/xdistr
+ "&temp;%folder.png%" Popup /mnt/sdc/torrent/temp
+ "" Nop
+ "&Root; dir%folder.png%" Popup /
+ "&Home; dir%folder.png%" Popup ~
# Document's menu=>Dir menu #
AddToFunc FuncFvwmMenuDirectory
+ I PipeRead 'fvwm-menu-directory
--dir "$0" --exec-file ^"mplayer" --xterm="xterm -e"
--icon-dir=folder.png --icon-title=linux.png
--icon-file=torsmo.png --icon-app=unknow.xpm --check-subdir'
# Programs Menu
DestroyMenu FvwmProgramsMenu
AddToMenu FvwmProgramsMenu "Programs" Title
+ "Gimp%menu/gimp.png%" FvwmGimp
+ "%evolution.png% thunar" Exec exec thunar
+ "%evolution.png% Pcmanf" Exec exec pcmanfm
+ "FireFox%menu/firefox.png%" FvwmFireFox
+ "Thunderbird%thunderbird.png%" Exec exec thunderbird
+ "Xmms%menu/xmms.png%" FvwmXmms
+ "%folder.png% Inet" Popup FvwmInetMenu
+ "%folder.png% Office" Popup FvwmOfcMenu
+ "%folder.png% Graf" Popup FvwmGrafMenu
+ "%folder.png% Multi" Popup FvwmMultiMenu
# Составляем меню (JpgMenu) из *.jpg файлов, вызывая по
# клику на них программу xv
AddToMenu JpgMenu #foo# title
+ DynamicPopupAction Function MakeJpgMenu
AddToFunc MakeJpgMenu
+ I DestroyMenu recreate JpgMenu
+ I AddToMenu JpgMenu Pictures Title
+ I PipeRead 'for i in ~/Desktop/*.jpg;
do echo AddToMenu JpgMenu "`basename $i`" Exec xv $i; done'
# Restart FVWM #
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify
AddToMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify "%linux.xpm%Finish" Title
+ "%menu/restart.png% Change Wallpaper" Exec exec $[fvwm_wallpapers]/feh_set &
#+ "" Nop
+ "%menu/restart.png%Restart" Restart
#+ "" Nop
+ "%menu/quit.png%Logout" Quit
+ "%menu/display.png%Don't Quit" Nop
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