Welcome, guest! Login / Register - Why register?
Psst.. new poll here.
[email protected] webmail now available. Want one? Go here.
Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as Plain Text by David_123 ( 12 years ago )
function requestSide(page) {
                                jQuery('#content').html('<h2 class="mainHeading">Loading</h2><p>Requesting content from server, please wait.</p>');

                                        url: 'index.php',
                                        type: "GET",
                                        data: "page="+page+"&side=true",
                                        timeout: 15000
                                .error(function(xhr, status) {
                                        var errorMsg = '<p>Error loading the page!</p>';

                                        if(null != status) {
                                                errorMsg = 'Sorry, but "' + status + '" occured!';

                                        jQuery('#content').html('<h2 class="mainHeading">Error</h2>' + errorMsg);
                                .success(function(data) {
                                        jQuery('<?php echo genNavSide(); ?>').removeClass('active');

                                        jQuery('a[href="#' + data.pageName + '"]').addClass('active');

                                        //$.get('../inc/functions_index.php', 'pageName=' + data.pageName);
                                        jQuery('#links').html('<?php echo pagesSideBar(); ?>');



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