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Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as Plain Text by zengweitotty ( 11 years ago )
static struct panel_generic_dpi_data lcd_panel = {
    .name           = "sharp_lq_panel",
    .platform_enable        = devkit8000_panel_enable_lcd,
    .platform_disable       = devkit8000_panel_disable_lcd,

static struct omap_dss_device devkit8000_lcd_device = {
    .name                   = "lcd",
    .type                   = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI,
    .driver_name            = "generic_dpi-panel",
    .data           = &lcd;_panel,
    .panel.config           = OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT|OMAP_DSS_LCD_IVS|OMAP_DSS_LCD_IHS,
    .panel.acb              = 0x28,
    .phy.dpi.data_lines     = 24,
    .reset_gpio             = -EINVAL, /* will be replaced */

static struct panel_generic_dpi_data dvi_panel = {
    .name           = "generic",
    .platform_enable        = devkit8000_panel_enable_dvi,
    .platform_disable       = devkit8000_panel_disable_dvi,


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