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Pasted as C by lena7 ( 12 years ago )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#define n 3
#define debug 0
typedef uint8_t byte;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long long ulong;
enum { white = 0, black, pass };
byte f[n] = {0};
byte g[n+1];
bool stop_flag = 0;
// f(w) -> g(f,w)
byte *f_to_g(byte f[])
for (uint w = 0; w <= n; ++w) {
if (w == 0)
g[w] = (bool)(f[0] == black);
else if (w == n)
g[w] = (bool)(f[n-1] == white);
g[w] = (bool)((f[w-1] == white && f[w] != white) ||
(f[w-1] != black && f[w] == black));
#if debug
printf("g[%d] = %d\n",w,g[w]);
return g;
ulong fact(ulong k)
return (k == 0) ? 1 : k*fact(k-1);
uint binom(uint m, uint k)
return fact(m)/fact(k)/fact(m-k);
uint prob(byte g[])
uint win = 0;
for (uint k = 0; k <= n; ++k)
if (g[k])
win += binom(n,k);
return win;
byte *next_f(byte *f)
bool carry = 1;
for (int k = n-1; k >= 0; --k) {
f[k] += carry;
carry = 0;
if (f[k] > 2) {
if (k == 0) {
stop_flag = 1;
f[k] -= 3;
carry = 1;
} else
return f;
char answer_letter(byte k)
if (k == white)
return 'w';
else if (k == black)
return 'b';
return '-';
int main(void)
uint pr, best_pr = 0;
byte best_f[n] = {0};
while (stop_flag == 0) {
pr = prob(f_to_g(f));
if (pr > best_pr) {
best_pr = pr;
memcpy(best_f, f, sizeof(f));
printf("%d:\t", n);
for (uint k = 0; k < n; ++k)
printf("%c ", answer_letter(best_f[k]));
printf("\t-> %u/%u\n", best_pr, 1 << n);


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