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Pasted as Plain Text by rayg00n ( 12 years ago )
; Sample l2tpd configuration file
; This example file should give you some idea of how the options for l2tpd
; should work.  The best place to look for a list of all options is in
; the source code itself, until I have the time to write better documetation :)
; Specifically, the file "file.c" contains a list of commands at the end.
; You most definitely don't have to spell out everything as it is done here
[global]        ; Global parameters:
listen-addr = my_prov_ip
ipsec saref = no
port = 1701        ; * Bind to port 1701
; auth file = /etc/l2tpd/l2tp-secrets  ; * Where our challenge secrets are
; access control = yes     ; * Refuse connections without IP match
; rand source = dev                     ; Source for entropy for random
;                                       ; numbers, options are:
;                                       ; dev - reads of /dev/urandom
;                                       ; sys - uses rand()
;                                       ; egd - reads from egd socket
;                                       ; egd is not yet implemented
[lns default]       ; Our fallthrough LNS definition
exclusive = no      ; * Only permit one tunnel per host
ip range = ; * Allocate from this IP range
; no ip range = ; * Except these hosts
; ip range =   ; * But this one is okay
; ip range = lac1-lac2    ; * And anything from lac1 to lac2's IP
; lac = -  ; * These can connect as LAC's
; no lac = untrusted.marko.net   ; * This guy can't connect
; hidden bit = no      ; * Use hidden AVP's?
local ip =   ; * Our local IP to use
length bit = yes      ; * Use length bit in payload?
; require chap = yes     ; * Require CHAP auth. by peer
refuse pap = yes      ; * Refuse PAP authentication
refuse chap = yes      ; * Refuse CHAP authentication
; refuse authentication = no   ; * Refuse authentication altogether
require authentication = yes   ; * Require peer to authenticate
; unix authentication = no    ; * Use /etc/passwd for auth.
; name = myhostname      ; * Report this as our hostname
ppp debug = yes      ; * Turn on PPP debugging
pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd ; * ppp options file
; call rws = 10       ; * RWS for call (-1 is valid)
; tunnel rws = 4      ; * RWS for tunnel (must be > 0)
flow bit = yes      ; * Include sequence numbers
; challenge = yes      ; * Challenge authenticate peer ; 
; rx bps = 10000000    ; Receive tunnel speed
; tx bps = 10000000    ; Transmit tunnel speed
; bps = 100000     ; Define both receive and transmit speed in one option

; [lac marko]       ; Example VPN LAC definition
; lns = lns.marko.net     ; * Who is our LNS?
; lns = lns2.marko.net     ; * A backup LNS (not yet used)
; redial = yes       ; * Redial if disconnected?
; redial timeout = 5     ; * Wait n seconds between redials
; max redials = 5      ; * Give up after n consecutive failures
; hidden bit = yes      ; * User hidden AVP's?
; local ip =    ; * Force peer to use this IP for us
; remote ip =    ; * Force peer to use this as their IP
length bit = yes      ; * Use length bit in payload?
; require pap = no      ; * Require PAP auth. by peer
; require chap = yes     ; * Require CHAP auth. by peer
; refuse pap = yes      ; * Refuse PAP authentication
; refuse chap = no      ; * Refuse CHAP authentication
; refuse authentication = no   ; * Refuse authentication altogether
; require authentication = yes   ; * Require peer to authenticate
; name = marko       ; * Report this as our hostname
; ppp debug = no      ; * Turn on PPP debugging
; pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.marko ; * ppp options file for this lac
; call rws = 10       ; * RWS for call (-1 is valid)
; tunnel rws = 4      ; * RWS for tunnel (must be > 0)
; flow bit = yes      ; * Include sequence numbers
; challenge = yes      ; * Challenge authenticate peer 
; [lac cisco]       ; Another quick LAC
; lns = cisco.marko.net     ; * Required, but can take from default
; require authentication = yes


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