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Pasted as Plain Text by vicky ( 11 years ago )
|   pulseaudio-module-always-sink
|   pulseaudio-module-augment-properties
|   pulseaudio-module-card-restore
|   pulseaudio-module-cli-protocol-unix
|   pulseaudio-module-default-device-restore
|   pulseaudio-module-detect
|   pulseaudio-module-device-restore
|   pulseaudio-module-filter-apply
|   pulseaudio-module-filter-heuristics
|   pulseaudio-module-intended-roles
|   pulseaudio-module-native-protocol-unix
|   pulseaudio-module-null-sink
|   pulseaudio-module-position-event-sounds
|   pulseaudio-module-rescue-streams
|   pulseaudio-module-role-cork
|   pulseaudio-module-stream-restore
|   pulseaudio-module-suspend-on-idle
|   pulseaudio-module-switch-on-port-available
|   pulseaudio-module-systemd-login
|   pulseaudio-module-udev-detect
|   pulseaudio-server
|   pulseaudio-test
|   python-codecs
|   python-compression
|   python-core
|   python-crypt
|   python-datetime
|   python-dbus
|   python-elementtree
|   python-fcntl
|   python-io
|   python-lang
|   python-logging
|   python-math
|   python-mime
|   python-netclient
|   python-pickle
|   python-pprint
|   python-pygobject
|   python-re
|   python-readline
|   python-resource
|   python-rpm
|   python-shell
|   python-smartpm
|   python-smartpm-backend-rpm
|   python-stringold
|   python-subprocess
|   python-textutils
|   python-threading
|   python-unixadmin
|   python-xml
|   python-zlib
|   qt-tests
|   qt4-assistant
|   qt4-common
|   qt4-dbus
|   qt4-demos
|   qt4-demos-doc
|   qt4-designer
|   qt4-examples
|   qt4-linguist
|   qt4-mkspecs
|   qt4-pixeltool
|   qt4-plugin-imageformat-jpeg
|   qt4-plugin-sqldriver-sqlite
|   qt4-qml-plugins
|   qt4-qmlviewer
|   qt4-qt3to4
|   qt4-tools
|   qt4-x11-free
|   qt4-xmlpatterns
|   quota
|   race-apps
|   rgb
|   rpm
|   rpm-libs
|   rpm-tests
|   run-postinsts
|   rvc
|   rvc-server-client
|   sed
|   shadow
|   shadow-securetty
|   smartpm
|   speex
|   spidev-test
|   sqlite3
|   squashfs-test
|   ssh-test
|   sudo
|   sudo-test
|   synergy-wifi
|   synergy-wifi-bin
|   synergy-wifi-firmware
|   systemd
|   systemd-analyze
|   systemd-binfmt
|   systemd-compat-units
|   systemd-serialgetty
|   systemd-units-test
|   tcl
|   tcl-lib
|   tslib-conf
|   uart-ipcl-test
|   uart-test
|   udev
|   udev-hwdb
|   udev-utils
|   update-alternatives-cworth
|   update-rc.d
|   util-linux
|   util-linux-agetty
|   util-linux-cfdisk
|   util-linux-fdisk
|   util-linux-fsck
|   util-linux-losetup
|   util-linux-mkfs
|   util-linux-mount
|   util-linux-sfdisk
|   util-linux-swaponoff
|   util-linux-umount
|   valgrind
|   valgrind-tests
|   verify-B0223
|   visteon-apps
|   watchdog-tests
|   wayland
|   wireless-tools
|   wireless-tools-test
|   wpa-supplicant
|   wpa-supplicant-cli
Committing transaction...                                                                     
| Preparing...                    ######################################## [  0%]
| error: file /usr/bin/iconv conflicts between attempted installs of libiconv-1.14-r1.cortexa9_vfp_neon and eglibc-utils-2.18-r1.cortexa9_vfp_neon
| ant-passphrase
|   xf86-input-evdev
|   xf86-video-imxfb-vivante
|   xkbcomp
|   xkeyboard-config
|   xserver-xf86-config
|   xserver-xorg
|   xserver-xorg-extension-glx
|   xserver-xorg-module-exa
|   xuser-account
| 471.0MB of package files are needed. 1165.5MB will be used.
| Saving cache...
| WARNING: /var/lib/jenkins_devel/workspace/CI_BSP_4.0.0.7/build-eagle-imx6/tmp/work/eagle_imx6-oe-linux-gnueabi/hmi-image-qa/4.0-r2/temp/run.do_rootfs.43845:1 exit 1 from
|   smart --data-dir=${target_rootfs}/var/lib/smart install -y ${pkgs_to_install}
| ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs (log file is located at /var/lib/jenkins_devel/workspace/CI_BSP_4.0.0.7/build-eagle-imx6/tmp/work/eagle_imx6-oe-linux-gnueabi/hmi-image-qa/4.0-r2/temp/log.do_rootfs.43845)
ERROR: Task 7 (/var/lib/jenkins_devel/workspace/CI_BSP_4.0.0.7/Eagle-Distribution/oe-core/../meta-visteon-apps/recipes-core/images/hmi-image-qa.bb, do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 6188 tasks of which 6182 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
No currently running tasks (6188 of 6189)

Summary: 1 task failed:
  /var/lib/jenkins_devel/workspace/CI_BSP_4.0.0.7/Eagle-Distribution/oe-core/../meta-visteon-apps/recipes-core/images/hmi-image-qa.bb, do_rootfs
Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.
Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.


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