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Psst.. new poll here.
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Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as Plain Text by cinder-log ( 10 years ago )
2015-06-30 11:36:17.467 ^[[00;36mINFO eventlet.wsgi.server [^[[00;36m-^[[00;36m] ^[[01;35m^[[00;36m(9839) wsgi starting up on^[[00m
2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 ^[[01;31mCRITICAL cinder [^[[00;36m-^[[01;31m] ^[[01;35m^[[01;31mNoSuchOptError: no such option: config_file
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00mTraceback (most recent call last):
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m  File "/usr/local/bin/cinder-api", line 10, in <module>
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m    sys.exit(main())
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m  File "/opt/stack/cinder/cinder/cmd/api.py", line 58, in main
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m    launcher.wait()
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m  File "/opt/stack/cinder/cinder/openstack/common/service.py", line 376, in wait
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m    CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, logging.DEBUG)
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo/config/cfg.py", line 1931, in log_opt_values
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m    logger.log(lvl, "config files: %s", self.config_file)
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo/config/cfg.py", line 1648, in __getattr__
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00m    raise NoSuchOptError(name)
^[[01;31m2015-06-30 11:36:17.470 TRACE cinder ^[[01;35m^[[00mNoSuchOptError: no such option: config_file


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