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Pasted as C++ by registered user raphael ( 1 year ago )
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H

class test {
    int val;
    int* pVal;
    int k;
    int i;
    test(int x=40);          //Constructeur par transtypage et par defaut
    test(const test &other); //Constructeur par copie
    void toString();

#endif // TEST_H
#include "test.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

test::test(int x) : val(x), pVal(&val), k(x), i(k+1) {}

void test::toString() {
    cout << "val: " << val << ", *pVal: " << *pVal << ", pVal: " << pVal << endl;

test::test(const test &source){
    this->val = source.val;
    pVal = &val;


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