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Pasted as Plain Text by registered user raphael ( 12 months ago )
# fbv --help
Usage: fbv [options] image1 image2 image3 ...

Available options:
 --help        | -h : Show this help
 --alpha       | -a : Use the alpha channel (if applicable)
 --dontclear   | -c : Do not clear the screen before and after displaying the image
 --donthide    | -u : Do not hide the cursor before and after displaying the image
 --noinfo      | -i : Supress image information
 --stretch     | -f : Strech (using a simple resizing routine) the image to fit onto screen if necessary
 --colorstretch| -k : Strech (using a 'color average' resizing routine) the image to fit onto screen if necessary
 --enlarge     | -e : Enlarge the image to fit the whole screen if necessary
 --ignore-aspect| -r : Ignore the image aspect while resizing
 --delay <d>   | -s <delay> : Slideshow, 'delay' is the slideshow delay in tenths of seconds.

 r            : Redraw the image
 a, d, w, x   : Pan the image
 f            : Toggle resizing on/off
 k            : Toggle resizing quality
 e            : Toggle enlarging on/off
 i            : Toggle respecting the image aspect on/off
 n            : Rotate the image 90 degrees left
 m            : Rotate the image 90 degrees right
 p            : Disable all transformations
Copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 Mateusz Golicz, Tomasz Sterna.


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