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Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
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Pasted as SQL by registered user vvillacorta ( 10 months ago )
with trx_fintech_target as (
    select periodo_val,
        cuc_ordenante_num cuc_envia,
        cuc_beneficiario_num cuc_recibe,
        origen1_moneda_cd moneda,
        origen1_amt monto
    from e_perm_aws.t_fct_transaccion_canal_agg
    where (cuc_ordenante_num <> cuc_beneficiario_num)
        and periodo_val = '{p_2}' -- Fecha +1m
        and (
            cuc_ordenante_num IN (
            or cuc_beneficiario_num IN (
fintech_target as (
    select distinct case
            when cuc_envia in (
            ) then cuc_recibe
            else cuc_envia
        end cuc_cliente
    from trx_fintech_target
select a.codmes,
    a.tipdoc tip_doc,
    a.coddoc key_value,
        when b.cuc in (
            select cuc_cliente
            from fintech_target
        ) then 1
        else 0
    end target,
    a.puntuacion predicted,
from e_perm_aws.scr_tdcfintech a
    inner join (
        select distinct cuc,
        from e_perm_aws.t_aws_360_cliente_mes_d3
        where cod_tipo_documento = 1
    ) b on a.coddoc = b.key_value
where a.fecinformacion = '{p_3}' and a.grupo_ejec = 1


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