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Obey the Epel!


Pasted by registered user Ivan_32 ( 15 years ago )
mov ecx,0x10000
      movaps xmm0,[ecx]
      movaps xmm1,[ecx]
      addpd xmm0,xmm1
      subpd xmm1,xmm0
      movaps [ecx+0x20],xmm0
      movaps [ecx+0x30],xmm1
      add ecx,0x40
      ;1632 первая.
      ;360-368 последующие.
      mov ecx,0x10000
      fld qword[ecx]
      fld qword[ecx+0x8]
      fld qword[ecx+0x10]
      fld qword[ecx+0x18]
      fadd st0,st1
      fsub st0,st1
      fstp qword[ecx+0x20]
      fstp qword[ecx+0x28]
      fadd st0,st1
      fsub st0,st1
      fstp qword[ecx+0x30]
      fstp qword[ecx+0x38]
      add ecx,0x40
      ;2680 первая
      ;1544-1552 последующие


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