Welcome, guest! Login / Register - Why register?
Psst.. new poll here.
[email protected] web/email now available. Want one? Go here.
Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!


Pasted as PHP by registered user electronico_nc ( 12 years ago )

class Smg_Socket_Mmg {
 private $_server;
 private $_port;
 private $_url;
 private $_ssl;
 private $_timeout=30;
 private $_headers;
 private $_UserName;
 private $_Password;
 private $_SenderId;
 public $errorCode;
 public $errorMessage;
 public $MsgID;
 public $NbSMS;
 public function __construct($server, $port, $url, $UserName, $Password, $SenderId, $ssl=false) {
  $this->_server  = $server;
  $this->_port  = $port;
  $this->_url  = $url;
  $this->_ssl  = $ssl;
  $this->_UserName = $UserName;
  $this->_Password = $Password;
  $this->_SenderId = $SenderId;
 public function setTimeout($timeout) {
  $this->_timeout = (int)$timeout;
  return $this;
 public function addHeader($header) {
  $this->_headers .= $header . "\r\n";
  return $this;
 public function send ( $data ) {
  $headers = '';
  $response = '';
  $data['UserName'] = $this->_UserName;
  $data['Password'] = $this->_Password;
  $data['SenderId'] = $this->_SenderId;
  $data = http_build_query($data);
  $data = urldecode($data);
  $this->addHeader("POST " . $this->_url . "  HTTP/1.1");
         $this->addHeader("Host: ".$this->_server);
         $this->addHeader("Content-length: ".strlen( $data ));
         //$this->addHeader("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
  // 2013-03-21 : lox : add encoding
  $this->addHeader("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=ISO-8859-1");
  $this->addHeader("Connection: close");
  //$sock = fsockopen&#40; 'www.google.com', 80&#41;;
  //var_export($sock); exit;
  //phpinfo(); exit;
  $sock = @fsockopen&#40; ($this->_ssl ? 'ssl://' : ''&#41; .  $this->_server, $this->_port, $errorCode, $errorMessage, $this->_timeout);
  // connection to server OK
  if ( $sock ) {
   stream_set_blocking($sock, false );
       stream_set_timeout($sock, $this->_timeout);
   fwrite($sock, $this->_headers ."\r\n");
              fwrite($sock, $data."\r\n");

   $fp = fopen&#40;'/var/log/smg/mt'.$this->MsgID, 'a+'&#41;;
            fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ."\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, $this->_headers ."\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, $data."\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, "--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, $headers ."\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, $response ."\r\n");
   // fin log
   $http_response = false;
              while ( !$http_response ) {
               $http_response = fgets($sock, 64);
   // if response OK
   if ( strpos($http_response, "200 OK" ) ) {
    while (!feof($sock) && !strpos($headers, "\r\n\r\n") ) {
                   $headers .= fgets($sock, 128);
               while (!feof($sock) ) {
                   $response .= fgets($sock, 128);
            $Response = $this->_parseResponse($response);

               return $Response;             
   // else retrieve error code and error message
   else {
    // log
    $fp = fopen&#40;'/var/log/smg/mt'.$this->MsgID, 'a+'&#41;;
            fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ."\r\n");
             fwrite($fp, $this->_headers ."\r\n");
             fwrite($fp, $data."\r\n");
             fwrite($fp, "--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
             fwrite($fp, $headers ."\r\n");
             fwrite($fp, $response ."\r\n");
    // fin log

             $this->errorCode  = '-'.substr($http_response, 9 , 3);
              $this->errorMessage = substr($http_response, 13);   
               return false;
            // no connection to server
  } else {
   // log
   $fp = fopen&#40;'/var/log/smg/mt'.$this->MsgID, 'a+'&#41;;
           fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ."\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, $this->_headers ."\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, $data."\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, "--------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, $headers ."\r\n");
            fwrite($fp, $response ."\r\n");
   // fin log

   $this->errorCode = '-98' ;
   $this->errorMessage = 'Cannot to connect to MMG';
   return false;   
 private function _parseResponse($response) {
  $body = preg_match("/.*<body[^>]*>(.*)<\/body>.*/si", $response, $matches);
  $response = trim($matches[1]);

  $lines = explode("<br>", $response);
  $lines = array_map('trim', $lines);
  $status = explode("=", $lines[0]);
  /* no status... */
  if($status[0] !== 'Status') {
   $this->errorCode = '-99';
   $this->errorMessage = 'Reponse de la MMG incorrecte';
   return false;
  /* bad status */
  if( (int)$status[1] != 0) {
   $this->errorCode = $status[1];
   $this->errorMessage = isset($lines[1]) ? 'MMG - ' . $lines[1]: 'MMG - Unknow error';
   return false;
  /* try to get msgID */
  $MsgID = explode("=", $lines[1]);
  if( trim($MsgID['0']) === 'MsgId' && (int)trim($MsgID['1']) ) {
   $this->MsgID = $MsgID['1'];
  /* try to get NbSMS */
  $NbSMS = explode("=", $lines[2]);
  if( trim($NbSMS['0']) === 'NbSMS' && (int)trim($NbSMS['1']) ) {
   $this->NbSMS = $NbSMS['1'];
  return true;




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