Psst.. new poll here.
[email protected] web/email now available. Want one? Go here.
Cannot use outlook/hotmail/live here to register as they blocking our mail servers. #microsoftdeez
Obey the Epel!
Pasted as Python by pcal ( 5 years ago )
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import calendar
import urllib.request, urllib.error
import re
response = urllib.request.urlopen('')
html ='utf-8')
*** 祝日対応カレンダー
*** python 3.6.8
*** conky
*** color2 FF0000 祝・休日
*** color5 00FFFF 土
*** color6 FFFF00 今日
*** color7 FFFFFF 平日
*** 年月は直前の色(お好みで)
def get_holiday(year, month):
holiday = []
str = "{:04d}{:02d}".format(year, month)
for m in html.splitlines():
if, m):
if'DTSTART', m):
return holiday
def make_calendar(year, month, day):
holiday = get_holiday(year, month)
''' 1日の曜日 '''
firstweek, lastday = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
firstweek += 1
''' カレンダー生成 '''
tmp = "{:10d}年{:2d}月 ".format(year, month)
str = [tmp, "${color2} Su${color7} Mo Tu We Th Fr${color5} Sa${color7}"]
tmp = ""
l = 0
if firstweek != 7:
tmp = " " * firstweek
l = len(tmp)
for d in range(1, lastday + 1):
if day and d == day:
tmp = tmp + "${{color6}}{:3d}${{color7}}".format(d)
l += 3
elif (d + firstweek) % 7 == 0:
tmp = tmp + "${{color5}}{:3d}${{color7}}".format(d)
l += 3
elif (d + firstweek) % 7 == 1 or d in holiday:
tmp = tmp + "${{color2}}{:3d}${{color7}}".format(d)
l += 3
tmp = tmp + "{:3d}".format(d)
l += 3
if (d + firstweek) % 7 == 0:
tmp = ""
l = 0
str.append(tmp + " " * (21 - l))
if len(str) < 8:
str.append(" " * 21)
return str
# 現在の年月
today =
str1 = make_calendar(today.year, today.month,
# 翌月
if (today.month == 12):
# 翌月が来年の場合
str2 = make_calendar(today.year + 1, 1, 0)
str2 = make_calendar(today.year, today.month + 1, 0)
for i in range(8):
print(str1[i] + ' ' + str2[i])
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